
Worship Council
All members of Year 5 and 6 are welcome to become members of our worship council. Members share responsibility for all aspects of worship, from the day to day leadership of worship to evaluation, technical support and leading the teaching and learning within worship. They also meet regularly with Miss Marks to share ideas for improving worship. Worship Council members wear their badges with great pride!

Collective Worship

At Hope Brook School, collective worship is the beating heart of our community life. It is a time for us to celebrate, grow and reflect together. Our vision is a central part of our worship and we also examine one of our Christian values each half term to help us further explore the vision.

This year's 6 values are outlined in the table below:


Autumn Term



Spring Term



Summer Term




We also enjoy three special collective worship services at All Saint's Church, Longhope every year. These are for Harvest, Christmas and Easter. 

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