Kingfishers 2023/24 Summer Term

Teaching staff in Kingfishers (Years 4 and 5): Mrs James (Class teacher), Mrs Southwell (TA Mon-Weds), Mrs Collis (TA Weds-Fri) and Miss Williams (1-1 TA part-time).
Welcome back Kingfishers,
I hope you are all feeling refreshed after the half term break. 
Our topic this term is continuing with a focus on 'The Americas' but based around a book called 'Bridge to Terabithia' by Katherine Paterson. I have attached our Topic Web below for you to have a peep at before you return.
There are lots of things to look forward to this term, such as our trip to the American Museum at Bath, Sports Day and much more.
Best wishes
Mrs James 
Things to remember:
  • Bring your PE kits into school (PE will be on Thursdays)
  • Bring in a drink bottle daily
  • Bring in a coat on wet/cold days and a sun hat and lotion on hot days.
  • Bring in your homework on time (Wednesday - timetables, Friday - spellings and set dates for other homework)
  • Bring in your reading journals daily.
Please look out for photographs which I will post below as the term unfolds!
Arts' Week
The Kingfishers very much enjoyed creating their hummingbirds for Arts' Week. They had been studying John Lyons' poetry with a focus on 'Happy Hummingbird Food', which, quite by coincidence, linked well with Darrell Wakelam's Art Jumpstart - Hummingbird.

Archery Tournament

Four budding archers brought the winning cup home for Hope Brook this week! Following an intense course to learn the basics of this ancient skill, our team entered an archery tournament.  


Our team represented Hope Brook with good manners and respectful behaviours.  


A special congratulations goes to Mr Lennon (Archer) Compton who achieved the highest score in the tournament.   

Maths Puzzle Workshop
Wow! It was great to see the children so engaged and working well with their partners at the Maths puzzles today. Everyone put their thinking caps on and rose to the challenge. Well done Kingfishers!

Many thanks to Mr Ede who ran the workshops and shared some interesting stories about famous mathematicians who have helped to shape and change the world.
RE: When Jesus Left, What Was The Impact of Pentecost?
This term, the Kingfishers are learning about the impact of Pentecost when Jesus left. As part of their learning, they created a piece of artwork which represents the Holy Spirit.
Forest of Dean Netball Final
We are very proud of both our Netball Teams (A & B) who both won GOLD at the District Finals on 9th April 2024. Most importantly, all the Hope Brook pupils showed superb perseverance and sportsmanship. Well done to them all on their superb achievement.