Robins Summer Term 2023-24

Welcome back Robins, 
I hope you have all enjoyed a good half term break with family and friends.
Our topic for the Summer term is 'At The Seaside'. This project teaches children about the plants and animals that live at the seaside. It also explores holidays in the past and the importance of keeping safe in the Sun.

Supporting your child at home

  • Visit the beach or look at photographs of days out at the beach. Talk about the activities you enjoy when you visit the beach. Think about the things you need to take so that you can have fun and keep safe.
  • Use Google Earth to look at the seas and oceans around the world.
  • It is World Ocean Day on 8th of June. Find out why it is so important to look after the oceans and the plants and the animals that live there. 


Take a look at our topic web below for more information.


  Please remember to bring the following items into school:

  • drinks bottle
  • book bag
  • coat
  • sun hat and cream when the weather is hot and sunny
  • PE kit (PE will continue to be on a Tuesday afternoon)
  • Outdoor learning kit (Outdoor Learning will continue to be on a Wednesday afternoon)
It is very important that all items are clearly marked with your child's name.
I am looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Best wishes
Mrs Stanton